About us
Our Business
ULVAC-PHI, Inc. provides X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Microprobe, Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (TOF-SIMS, D-SIMS), and Scanning Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) Nanoprobe, as the world’s leading supplier of advanced UHV surface analysis instruments.
Corporate Information
We receive various opinions from our customers about everything from quality control to research and development. Listening to those opinions allows us to accommodate diverse needs through superior surface analysis technologies and an excellent after-sale service system.
ULVAC-PHI provides unique product development and cutting-edge surface analysis solutions to contribute to next-generation engineering technologies.
Company Profile
- Company Name
- Established
- November 1, 1982
- Capital
- 100 million yen (as of July 2022)
- Shareholder
- ULVAC, Inc.
- Board of Directors and Auditor
- President
- Yasuhiro Hara
- Executive Managing Director
- Tomoyasu Suzuki
- Executive Director
- Atsushi Ogata
- Executive Director
- Haruhiko Ono
- Executive Director
- Shinji Takahashi
- (Executive Officer of ULVAC, Inc.)
- Executive Director
- Dr. Ju Hoon Shin
- (Executive Officer of ULVAC, Inc.)
- Executive Director
- Junya Kiyota
- (Executive Officer of ULVAC, Inc.)
- Auditor
- Mitsuru Yahagi
- (Auditor of ULVAC, Inc.)
- Office Locations
- Headquarter and Factory
2500 Hagisono, Chigasaki, Kanagawa, 253-8522, Japan
TEL:+81-467-85-6522 FAX:+81-467-85-9406
Osaka Branch Office
Uemura Nissei Building 5F, 3-3-31 Miyahara, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka, 532-0003, Japan
Message from the President
Supporting Technological Innovation as a Manufacturer in Surface Analysis Instruments
Analysis instruments have played an important role behind the scenes of leading edge science and technology.
Universities, research institutions, and companies are competing every day to come up with new goods and services that could change the world dramatically, including IoT (Internet of Things), secondary batteries, AI (artificial intelligence), robotics, high-performance sensors, biomedicine, and SDGs. UHV surface analysis instruments play an active role from basic to applied research in these fields. ULVAC-PHI is the world’s only leading company which handles manufacturing, development, and customer support of surface analysis instruments in Japan.
ULVAC-PHI started as an exclusive agent in Japan for Physical Electronics, Inc. during the early days of surface analysis technology in Japan. After the handover of Physical Electronics’ manufacturing technologies in 2003, ULVAC-PHI became the leading manufacturer of surface analysis instruments and has continued introducing new products and technologies to meet customers’ needs. ULVAC-PHI also established a support system with professional staffs, analysis service, training, and seminars for starters in surface analysis to fully utilize our skills accumulated and inherited from Physical Electronics. ULVAC-PHI also conducts sales, R&D, and customer service globally with our subsidiary, Physical Electronics USA.
As a manufacturer of surface analysis instruments using the Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS), and Dynamic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (D-SIMS) technologies, ULVAC-PHI can offer solutions to various needs including, but not limited to, material
ULVAC-PHI is committed to providing unique and high-quality products for customers and to contribute to development of science and technology for future generations.